This is a blog by an obsessive armchair mountaineer who occasionally wanders outside in search of steep and high places.

Everyone has their own summit objectives, high or low, and the desire to reach the top is sometimes all-consuming. For me, the ambition is enough, and if obstacles get in the way of determined effort, then I find my own summit which might be lower than planned, or somewhere else entirely, but no less valid. A moral for life as much as for mountains.

I have failed to summit due to getting lost, climbing the wrong mountain, losing my crampons, being beaten by the weather, time or the mountain. But I have taken something positive from all these experiences, which makes the feeling of achievement all the richer when I do achieve a summit. 

I’m going to share book and film reviews, personal experiences, or just musings on mountains, and build this site into a community of summit dreamers.

Here is a picture I took of a mountain range somewhere in the UK. What is its name? The first correct answer will receive a book about mountains from my collection (to a UK postal address only). Send your answer to me via the email form at the bottom of this page, and I will post the name of the winner in the comments below.

Welcome to My Own Summit

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